Pet Containers (Pvt)Ltd

Dairy Bottle Manufactures In Sri Lanka

PET (polyethylene terephthalate) is a type of plastic commonly used for packaging various food and beverage products, including dairy. It is lightweight, durable, and transparent, making it suitable for storing liquids such as milk, drinking yogurt, and other dairy products.

Packaging dairy products in PET (plastic) bottles offers several advantages as this material is resistant to oxygen and moisture, which helps in preserving the freshness and quality of the dairy products, extending their shelf life.

It also provides a protective barrier against light, preventing potential degradation of the product caused by exposure to UV rays. Additionally, PET bottles are convenient as they are lightweight and easy to handle.

PET Containers can assist in selecting the required size and shape for the packaging, ensuring it is well-suited for the specific dairy product being packaged. We are able to customize caps and openings to fit your product and ensure secure and convenient closures to maintain product freshness.

Whether it’s small single-serve containers or larger family-size options, we can provide packaging solutions that align with the desired product quantity as well as branding and marketing goals of our clients.

The manufacturing of plastic bottles takes place at factory premises in Ratmalana, Sri Lanka, which holds certification under the SLS 1336: 2008 standard. This certification ensures that the manufacturing processes adhere to specific requirements related to quality and food safety.

PET Containers Pvt Ltd has been in operation since 1991 and is a subsidiary of the Wimaladharma Brothers Group of Companies.

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